Wear resistant concrete Tribet:
The large surface anti-abrasive linings in cement factories - cyclones, suction piping, parts of separators - photo here:
- cement factory Salonit Ahnovo, Slovenia (2001): 18 tons - material Tribet 2000
- cement factory Lukavac, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2002-2003): 40 tons - material Tribet 2000
- cement factory Voskresensk, Russia (2004): 18 tons - material Tribet 2000
- cement factory Beočin, Serbia (2004): 13 tons - material Tribet 2000
- cement factory Salonit Ahnovo II, Slovenia (2006): 20 tons - material Tribet 2000
- cement factory VSH a.s. Turna, Slovakia (2006-2007): 29 tons - material Tribet 3000
- cement factory PCLA Ladce, Slovakia (2007): 31 tons - Tribet 2000 + 4 tons - Tribet 3000
- cement factory TOKAT Cement a ELAZIG Cement, Turkey (2007): 95 tons - material Tribet 2000
- cement factory Кричевцементошифер, Belorussia (2011): 99 tons - material Tribet 2000
- cement factory Красносельскстройматериалы, Belorussia (2011): 99 tons - material Tribet 2000
- servis company for cement factories DAL Teknik Makina, Turkey (2013): 40 tons - material Tribet 2000
- cement factory Ивано-Франковскцемент, Ukraine (2014): 32 tons - material Tribet 2000
- servis company for cement factories MEDCEM, Turkey (2014): 98 tons - material Tribet 2000
The anti-abrasive linings in pneumatic piping systems - photo here:
- coking plant OKK a.s.- Svoboda, Ostrava, Czech Rep. (2004): pneumatic piping for coke dust
- cement factory PCLA Ladce, Slovakia (2007): pneumatic piping for coal dust
Wear resistant ceramic Baddalox (Zirkonia):
Coke grill separators with ceramic shafts - photo here:
- coking plant Trinecke zelezarny a.s., Czech Rep. (2002-2015): ceramic shafts with sifting 35mm and 25mm
- coking plant OKK a.s.- Svoboda, Czech Rep. (1998-2012): ceramic shafts with sifting 35mm,75mm and 90mm
Ceramic chutes for coke transport - photo here:
- coking plant Trinecke zelezarny a.s., Czech Rep.
- coking plant OKK a.s.- Svoboda, Czech Rep.
Wear resistant ceramic Keralox (Alumina) - photo here:
- coal mines OKD a.s., Czech Rep. (2010-2015): ceramic lining to cyclone coal separators
- coking plant Trinecke zalezarny a.s., Czech Rep. (2004): ceramic lining to cyclone for separating of coke dust